CV Skinlabs is a STAPLE in the Lipstick Angels kit. Healing, moisturizing and so good for your skin, we know it fills a very important need for so many. Can you share with our readers the compelling story behind the creation of the line?
CV Skinlabs was created in response to a need for non-toxic, safe, and effective skincare solutions for those with sensitive skin going through chemotherapy, radiation, or other medically challenged skin issues.
Our founder was inspired after failing to find safe, nourishing skincare to soothe her own and her father’s troubled skin during cancer treatments. Many products specifically targeted for “sensitive skin” were often laden with potentially harmful chemicals that actually irritated her father’s fragile skin.
Chemotherapy, drugs, and treatments can be devastating to the skin, leaving it fragile and it must be soothed and nourished with only the gentlest formulas.
An impressive team of dermatologists, researchers, and toxicologists worked together to develop our remarkably effective and bio-compatible formulas to help restore, maintain, and heal skin back to healthy radiance and to be completely safe and effective – even for those with the most sensitive and compromised skin.
These highly skilled experts along with a chemist specializing in natural formulations screened and eliminated every prospective ingredient for any known links to cancer, hormone disruption, or other health risks, as well as for any known potential to cause skin irritation, burning, itching, or allergic reaction.
Every CV Skinlabs product contains the Tri-Rescue Skin Complex. Can you explain more about this magical ingredient and why it is so effective?
Our proprietary Tri-Rescue Complex boasts three impressive well-known medicinal ingredients – Turmeric, Alpha-Bisabolol, and Reishi Mushroom in potent concentrations. Although exceptional on their own, together these ingredients yield an extraordinary complex to deliver anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and antioxidant benefits – helping to rescue dry, damaged, and inflamed skin.
All three were formulated in a unique bio-compatible and synergistic combination that compounds the effects of these ingredients for stunning and impressive results. The complex was designed to quickly absorb into the skin for immediate as well as long-lasting results. The calming, soothing, and healing effects are truly remarkable.
The brand provides relief to extremely dry and compromised skin. We also know that CV strives to heal the mind, body, and spirit. How does this all connect?
We look at skin as a doorway to what’s inside us. We now know that even minute exposure to some chemicals can lead to profound health issues. We continue to work towards educating that healthier choices, without harmful chemicals in personal care products is not only for the betterment of skin’s condition, but the health of the entire body, with peace of mind and spirit.
"Cancer can take a serious toll on self-esteem. As confidence and spirit dwindle, so does your immunity. Skin issues can be challenging, but a little pampering or self-care can be very restorative and transformative."
Our products can be used with total peace of mind. We aim to help those going through a cancer journey look good and feel good along the way. Cancer can take a serious toll on self-esteem. As confidence and spirit dwindle, so does your immunity. Looking good is a great way to help feel strong again. Skin issues can be challenging, but a little pampering or self-care can be very restorative and transformative.
You have a long and illustrious career in the beauty industry. What drove you to focus your energy on clean, non-toxic products?
Thank you. I’ve had a lifelong obsession with health and all things “wellness” and have taken a holistic and preventative approach to my lifestyle.
As a recurrent cancer caregiver myself, I’ve been concerned about the health effects of chemical and otherwise toxins that are everywhere, and sometimes hard to avoid.
Throughout my career, I became acutely aware of how rampant the use of chemical toxins in the health and beauty industry is, and how important it is to create awareness about how health and beauty merge - to provide choices for natural solutions - without compromise – and to help reclaim healthy, beautiful skin.
We love the simplicity of the line and how all of these fabulous, hero products work so well together! But, curious minds want to know: Any possibility of expanding? Perhaps a CV mask or eye cream in the future?
Yes - We are definitely expanding. Next up: perhaps a cleanser! Stay tuned!
Thank you Lipstick Angels for making a difference! We are grateful to you for your support – using our products and the healing power of your touch - providing comfort and positivity in a sometimes not-so-positive situation.