Author of "Til Health Do Us Part"
"I had the honor of having lunch with author Julie Rooney a couple of months ago. After meeting her and hearing a bit about her journey, I immediately ordered her book. This a love story to one’s self that had me laughing, crying and deeply reflecting on my own life at every turn. I hope you enjoy her interview."
Renata Helfman, Executive Director.
Can you explain the significance of your book title “Til Health Do Us Part”?
I found that as I started to heal I parted with a lot of things, my marriage being one of them. But I also parted with harmful thoughts, food, habits, along with relationships. This left space for other wonderful, healthy things to fill! Thus the title, “Til’ Health do Us Part”.
Who is the target audience of your book and why?
Our publicist seemed to think our target audience would be middle-aged women, women with chronic illness. We’ve been surprised it has been reaching a much younger demographic and the message they seem to be carrying away is “self-love”. Men also seem to relate to the book as it discusses issues common to us all, male, female, non-binary, well or sick. How we use both Eastern and Western medicine for our benefit. How we can take back control over our health with self-care.
We know the names of your family and friends have been changed to protect their privacy. Has the novel had a healing effect on your family dynamic, and if so, how?
Xavier would tell me from the beginning, (When I couldn’t care for myself because I was too busy trying to save my family) that I would never heal/save anyone, but if I managed to heal myself I would heal the world. That proved to be true. My children lead healthier, more holistic lives now, and our relationships have grown and strengthened. Although publishing a book about your family is hard, they have been very supportive and have commented that they see the value it has in helping others.
How do you define self-love?
Hard question, and almost as hard to practice as it is to define! For me, self-love is self-discipline. If I love myself, I don’t eat donuts for breakfast, if I love myself I make time to exercise, go to yoga, meditate, get enough sleep. If I love myself, I don’t berate myself with negative thoughts, I encourage myself with compassion.
"I try to observe life these days knowing that I am an eternal spirit having a very human experience here. That seems to help me with self-love."
Do you plan on writing another book?
No, I didn’t really plan on writing this one! I feel this book came through me, the writing helping me heal, and people continuously appeared throughout the process to make this book possible. But that being said, my life has been full of surprises lately so maybe I should say it is not currently in the plans.
Do you have a mantra or mantras that you use in your daily life?
I have rituals that I practice each morning, like lighting incense and ringing a bell. I was always opposed to rituals and routines, but I now find that they help keep me mindful and grounded throughout the day. My mantras change as I change, but one of my favorites that always works is, "Do my best and bless the rest.”